Cultivate & Inspire
In addition to designing hardware, Laura loves to dive deeper into topics within the design industry. Follow along and gain insight as she shares tips about hardware and design.
Taking the Leap with Finery
As someone who cares about design and its effect on our lives, I admittedly have some quirky obsessions and pet peeves surrounding style and functionality.
Discerning Product Quality
Today more than ever, consumers have easy access to trendy design. Every time I open my email or social media, companies are promoting popular products at cheaper prices.
The Functional Home
When working with clients I ask a lot of questions. Questions not only about what colors and textures make them feel good, but also about their lifestyle and the needs of their family.
Metal Finish Finesse
It’s happened a few times. A client says ‘I want everything to MATCH’. I respectfully say ‘Hmm. We are not going to do that, but I promise it will be beautiful and everything will COORDINATE’.